
Monday, October 5, 2015

King Dork - Pg 318

   Now, Sam Hellerman had said I was "hung up on" Matthew 3:9-11, and he wasn't wrong, though it took a lot of thinking before I figured out why. It wasn't only because the passage kind of creeped me out and kept popping up. And it wasn't only because the brood of vipers kept reminding me of Rye Hell and the Catcher cult. I think it was also because it was something real, a piece of a book people had been reading for thousands of years, a part of the world that existed independently from any of our conjectures. I was because my dad had probably read that quote, probably thought about it, probably wondered, as I had done, what it meant and how it applied to his life and the world. And he had read The Seven Storey Mountain and may have wondered why the SSM guy had chosen it for his epigraph. In a way, it put my dad in a picture made up of things that weren't entirely imaginary or theoretical. It allowed me to imagine myself in his place in the past. And those opportunities were pretty rare.

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